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New Vending Machines to Dispense Free PPE

Perk Pods is an innovation from The Work Perk that will provide free Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for staff and visitors across London.

With the emergence of COVID-19 it is now paramount that the public have ready access to PPE for their health and safety. As of the 15th June, the government have announced that it will be mandatory for passengers on public transport to wear face coverings in an effort to prevent any potential threat of a second wave.

Those commuting to and from work and various other destinations will be at greater risk of contracting the virus, given that they are “more likely to be in enclosed spaces for longer periods of time where…social distancing is likely to be difficult to follow consistently.” – GOV.UK.

Perk Pods Smart Stores offer a solution for those on-the-go with free and easy access to PPE. These purpose-built vending machines will contain essential PPE equipment – surgical gloves, face masks, sanitisers, foot protectors and more – that members of the public can pick up completely free of charge.

Fitted with WIFI and the latest 4HD digital signage touch screen technology, Perk Pods are easy to interact with and efficient in dispensing products. When not in use, the screens have the ability to convey service specific messaging that is appropriate to its installed location. For example – Perk Pods situated in public transport areas can display the latest COVID-19 safety information and advice.

The Pod also comes with an attached antibacterial gel pump, which users will be prompted to use both before and after the requested product is dispensed through on-screen messaging.

Ensure the safety of your staff and citizens at no cost with Perk Pods today.

If you’re interested in installing a Perk Pod with free PPE equipment at your location, or would like to request more detailed information please contact or visit


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